Zebra Comics PLC Launches Paid Subscription On Their Apps (Android and iOS) And Website

Zebra comics african comics 50+ episodes

In many parts of the world, and in Africa in particular, running a traditional comic book company is a bold affair. Usually, undertaking such a venture requires a lot of perseverance, passion and resources for growth to be imminent. It is particularly the case for Africa because the required creative tools are not always available, printing is expensive, distribution networks for comics are almost nonexistent, communication around comics is not deemed important and thereby, consumption of comics suffers greatly. This has been the state of affairs for some time and it almost brought about a situation of inertia in the comics landscape. Thank God, the internet came and things changed. The switch to digital creation and the possibilities of communication and distribution brought about by the internet has helped many African creators to increase the production of African comics, and African comics companies to distribute African comics across the globe easily.

Zebra Comics PLC is one of such companies that migrated from traditional publishing to digital publishing. Thanks to the great advancements that the digital era has brought, the company has been able to increase production of comics tenfold, and they have been able to get this content in front of the eyes of thousands of people. This ability to distribute their content was particularly made possible through a mobile application (android and iOS) and a website. On these platforms, users are offered original African comics that you wouldn’t find anywhere, and in great numbers. The categorization on these platforms which breaks down the content into different genres like afrofuturism, science fiction, teen and slice of life presents users with a huge repertoire of comics which they will spend time enjoying. Added to this, there are several episodes available for each of these IPs, providing users with content that will keep them entertained for a considerable amount of time. All of these are presented with an interface which is attractive, easy to navigate and generally user-friendly. As of today, the platform has attracted thousands of comic book enthusiasts from around the world, and the number keeps growing.

It is also important to note that for some time, all the content on the platform was completely free to view. As a new player in the digital comics landscape, it was important for the company to first of all show users what they have in store for them before they moved on to start proposing subscription bundles. From September 2022 till March 2023, thousands of users visited apps and the website and they enjoyed free episodes of comics like Kawana, Anaki, Khadija, Beasts of Tazeti and Mancraft.

It is therefore true that the company opted for the freemium model for their app and web platforms. This simply means that access to the app and website is completely free. However, as a company that employs staff and invests heavily in the production of these digital platforms and content therein, the content on the platform cannot be completely free. To keep the business afloat, therefore, the company opted for a subscription based model, where users pay a subscription and then gain access to all the content on the platform for a specific amount of time. The subscription in this case is low enough to encourage any comic book fan to be able to afford the subscriptions, and enjoy the content provided to the fullest. The different available subscription bundles are:

  • 3.99 USD for a Month

  • 10.99 USD for a Quarter of a Year

  • 22.99 USD for Half a Year

  • 46.99 USD for a Full Year

With each of these bundles, users gain unlimited access to all content on the platform which is delivered, without interruption, on a weekly basis.


Zebra Comics PLC does not only exist to tell untold African stories through comics to the world, but to also provide a means of livelihood for comic books creators (writers and artists), create jobs for other administration professionals, promote African cultures in general and help grow economies on the continent with the use of the internet. Subscribing to a bundle on the Zebra Comics apps and website will not only assure you access to unlimited undiluted and highly entertaining content, but it will also help in the growth of an industry that is trending, and that has the potential to provide jobs for thousands of creatives across Africa.

Zebra Comics PLC will continue to work on new features, new content and new monetization options for their platforms. In the meantime, continue to follow this company on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube), install their android and iOS applications, visit their website and enjoy the unique content that they will continue to provide nonstop.

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